Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ride home for Friday, 13 April

Went up to Staples at lunchtime and picked up a couple of cheap switches for Idealbikes. Went there after work and was told that in 20 minutes the shop would be closing so everyone could attend a memorial ride for Jack Nauss, who died on Good Friday. Went over to Nauss and there was quite a crowd, plus CBC were there to do a live interview; Peter lent me one of the earbuds from his radio to listen in as it happened. About 30 people showed up for the ride, both people I've seen before at events like Critical Mass and people I've never seen before. We went up through the Hydrostone where Jack lived, then over to the fire station where Dave (his son and current proprietor of Nauss Bicycles) is a fireman, over to Spring Garden, then back up to the Nauss bike shop.

Headed back to Ideal after that to work on their network, it looks like Windows in all its glory crashed and burned quite horribly; DHCP services aren't starting, there's no icons in the network folder (so how it's connecting to the wireless network I really don't know, but it explains why filesharing has gone for a burton), and the installer service is pretty much completely broken so it's not possible to install anything. I tried installing Ubuntu but the CD I put in failed to work - either that, or the CD drive is broken too. I tried downloading Ubuntu on a laptop there but left it running and headed home after the swarm slowed down to 4kB/sec (only 36 hours to completion!) - I have a feeling the machine has some other hardware issues too, as both drives in there are on one channel, and the BIOS is complaining they're not on an 80 pin cable. I'm going to head down there next week with my laptop so I can (if necessary) PXE boot it and do a network install.

Mike (the unfortunately nicknamed "Snowball", who had to endure a bike put together by Chris that day in the Nauss ride - with a seat below the handlebars and chain that slipped) told me that the cassette on my new bike probably needed replacing, as it was a new chain on an older cassette which must have had more wear than he thought.

Distance logged: 28.573km
Time: 99:21
Average speed: 17.3km/hr
Max speed: 51.2 km/hr
Temperature: 1C, light rain
Cumulative distance: 2421.783km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.26
Monthly distance: 388.161km
Monthly cost per km: $0.78


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