Monday, October 16, 2006

Ride into work for Monday, 16 October

Short ride in, as I was running late this morning.

Muppet of the day was the driver approaching me who, as I was signalling left to turn into the car park at Scotia Square, swung his vehicle into my lane, then swung it back to the right to turn into Scotia Square car park - all done without any signalling. I recognised the driver as he swerved in front of me as one of the people in the real estate business down the hall on our floor. He got in the same elevator as me, kicked the valve on my front wheel, and asked, "what does that do?" In my frigid, talking to idiots voice, I said, "Please don't kick the wheel. It's called a valve." This bemused him further, and his followup question was, "what does it do?" Being more than slightly bemused, I could only answer with the obvious answer of, "it stops the air from escaping out of the tyre." Delving deeper into the lands of muppetry, he came back with "what do you mean?" Starting to wonder if he was putting me on at this point, I said, "it keeps the air on the inside of the tyre so it doesn't go flat." He looked dazed for a few seconds, and said, "oh, not that... the other thing there, what's that?" I told him it was a magnet for my bike computer, and his next question was, "what does it do?" Feeling rather small-minded at this point, I decided to tell him exactly what it was; my explanation of "it's a magnet that trips a reed relay to fire off a sensor so the bike computer knows the wheel has done a revolution and how far it has travelled" just seemed to mystify him further. At this point the elevator arrived at our floor, and I got off. Muppet stayed on the elevator and went for a ride all the way back down to the bottom of the tower...

Distance logged: 11.293km
Time: 29:44
Average speed: 22.8km/hr
Max speed: 63.4 km/hr
Temperature: 4C, sunny
Cumulative distance: 6522.943km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.39
Monthly distance: 364.603km
Monthly cost per km: $0.1


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All Muppets must use the stairs.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:10:00 pm  

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