Friday, June 02, 2006

Ride home for Friday, 02 Jun

Just got home after pulling an all nighter to get a VPN up and running with redundant load balanced tunnels. It was one of those jobs where everything that could go wrong, did; I was essentially taking a config from a lab environment and bringing it into production, but I found all sorts of weird niggles - like the ethernet cards refused to cooperate with the multilink configuration, so it was only the tunnels that had the multilink functionality. I ended up finally getting it all running well enough that we could leave it (although 3 machines out in the field failed to reboot - either hardware failure or the hardware wasn't as identical as the vendor promised). I'm probably going to be back in there tomorrow, what fun...

The ride home was pleasant afterwards. There was some moderately heavy rain earlier, but it had pretty much dissipated by the time I finally left into a light misty rain. It was just enough to take the edge off the heat, and was most welcome after sitting in a server room running at 28C (!) with no cooling but a small fan (!!) and opening the window outside (!!!)

Distance logged: 14.382km
Time: 42:45
Average speed: 20.2km/hr
Max speed: 44.5 km/hr
Temperature: 15C, light rain
Cumulative distance: 3141.516km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.47
Monthly distance: 26.868km
Monthly cost per km: $0


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