Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ride home for Friday, 18 January

There was snow in the afternoon but it switched to rain before I headed home. Several people stopped by my office to note how heavily it was raining and how strong the wind was. I lucked out and a lot of the way it was tailwinds, but there were still a few parts riding into 100km/hr gusts that took quite a bit of effort...

Distance logged: 12.320km
Time: 42:06
Average speed: 17.6km/hr
Max speed: 44.8 km/hr
Temperature: 4C, rain, heavy winds
Cumulative distance: 397.411km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.3
Monthly distance: 397.411km
Monthly cost per km: $0.3


Blogger Kayte said...


I can't believe you managed to bike home in that!!

The rain was bad enough but the winds were craaaaazy!

That is AWESOME.

- Kayte.

Monday, January 21, 2008 2:32:00 pm  

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