Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ride home for Thursday, 24 January

Took the fire trail home, it's getting extremely sketchy. I made it OK, but I passed a few pedestrians who were having major difficulty - I saw one ahead of me who almost slipped over twice. I'm not sure what they thought when they saw me cruise past...

Distance logged: 11.787km
Time: 46:23
Average speed: 15.2km/hr
Max speed: 40.6 km/hr
Temperature: -7C
Cumulative distance: 538.527km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.22
Monthly distance: 538.527km
Monthly cost per km: $0.22


Blogger Michelle said...

Hi Steve, Bummer about the lense falling out. I've heard that shaving cream, not gel, works really good as an anti-fog. Apply, rub off and sort of buff out any haze. Cat Crap (brand name) is used a lot also but gets mixed reviews.

I do agree that people with little yappy dogs are mental.

Sunday, January 27, 2008 1:01:00 am  

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