Thursday, May 29, 2008

Bike week event: Critical Mass

Critical Mass is on tomorrow and promises to be the biggest ever in Halifax, as the Halifax Ramblers will be joining the fun.

Not only that, it's the first event of Bike Week and will be followed by a party at the Italian Cultural Centre on Agricola!

Ride home for Thursday, 29 May

Uneventful (albeit windy) ride home, then after supper went to Sobeys. Found they had fish snacks on sale so I bought a selection - 39 tins, as I found when I got home...

Distance logged: 13.461km
Time: 40:18
Average speed: 20km/hr
Max speed: 52.2 km/hr
Temperature: 19C, sunny, windy
Cumulative distance: 2963.864km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.1
Monthly distance: 548.955km
Monthly cost per km: $0.22

Distance logged: 3.458km
Time: 12:41
Average speed: 16.4km/hr
Max speed: 37.2 km/hr
Temperature: 15C
Cumulative distance: 2967.322km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.1
Monthly distance: 552.413km
Monthly cost per km: $0.21

Ride into work for Thursday, 29 May

After a dry spell, I had another muppet encounter this morning. I was heading along Dutch Village Road approaching Bayers road and signalled left to turn into the left-hand lane (since right is right turn only). Behind me I heard a car accelerate up behind me then brake hard and beep their horn. As I stopped at the traffic light the driver went past on the left and yelled something out, the only part of which I caught was "for on a bicycle". Quite how she expected me to hear her as she appeared to continue shouting as she turned left I really don't know...

Left early so I got to ride around a bit before heading into work.

Distance logged: 11.809km
Time: 31:45
Average speed: 22.3km/hr
Max speed: 64.0 km/hr
Temperature: 8C, sunny
Cumulative distance: 2950.403km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.1
Monthly distance: 535.494km
Monthly cost per km: $0.22

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ride for Wednesday, 28 May

Down to Bedford for a physio appointment, then back home so I could get some work done that needed doing that needed a long span of unbroken concentration - not possible at the office!

Distance logged: 20.971km
Time: 50:04
Average speed: 24.9km/hr
Max speed: 53.8 km/hr
Temperature: 7C
Cumulative distance: 2938.594km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.1
Monthly distance: 523.685km
Monthly cost per km: $0.23

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ride home for Tuesday, 27 May

Had my first encounter with a muppet in a while today. As I was riding along Preston Street a car approached out of Cedar, a side street with a stop sign. He stomped on his brakes as he approached the stop sign, then continued on for a few feet into the road before he noticed me and came to a full stop. I slammed on my brakes and rode slowly past, not trusting him to be paying attention, and the driver wafted his hands at me to hurry me up. Not being overly appreciative of being waved at I did the same to him, wafting my hand at him to imply he should stop where he was. It appeared I triggered a major reaction, as he sat there leaning on his horn for several seconds after I'd passed, then yelled out to me something like "beagle lar, bash hull!" - those more versed in semantic examination than myself may be able to hazard a more accurate guess at the actual words used...

Distance logged: 11.741km
Time: 38:51
Average speed: 18.1km/hr
Max speed: 38.5 km/hr
Temperature: 17C, sunny
Cumulative distance: 2917.623km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.1
Monthly distance: 502.714km
Monthly cost per km: $0.24

Ride into work for Tuesday, 27 May

Distance logged: 10.987km
Time: 29:27
Average speed: 22.4km/hr
Max speed: 54.2 km/hr
Temperature: 10C, showers
Cumulative distance: 2905.882km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.1
Monthly distance: 490.973km
Monthly cost per km: $0.24

Ride home for Monday, 27 May

Down to MEC for the HCC benefit. We signed up lots of new members and sold several T-shirts, so the night was a great success - from what I heard MEC were happy with how things went too! I couldn't resist the 10% off offer, so I took the opportunity to stock up on a few things... A shirt, some chain cleaner, another bottle of Prolink, a new frame bag for my road bike (after I got tired of switching my frame bag between two bikes), some tubes and a set of tyre liners (which I thought would be a good idea for the hybrid after the weekend's fun). I also got my HCC shirt, which I shall be wearing on Friday for casual day.

Distance logged: 12.316km
Time: 42:31
Average speed: 17.4km/hr
Max speed: 45.8 km/hr
Temperature: 10C
Cumulative distance: 2894.895km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.1
Monthly distance: 479.986km
Monthly cost per km: $0.25

Ride into work for Monday, 26 May

Distance logged: 11.171km
Time: 32:59
Average speed: 20.3km/hr
Max speed: 61.5 km/hr
Temperature: 11C
Cumulative distance: 2882.579km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 467.670km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride for Saturday, 24 May

Came down to take my bike out to go down to the market and found I had a flat. I swiped round the inside of the tyre and found what I thought was the culprit, a tiny little stone that had worked its way in. After about 8km I found I was mistaken as I got another flat. This time around I inflated the tube to figure out where the flat was, and cross referenced it on the tyre against the label and valve stem. A close look revealed a tiny shard of glass that had worked its way into the tread (which had sealed up after it) and poked the merest smidgeon through the casing - just enough to slowly abrade the inner tube and cause a slow flat...

Distance logged: 25.484km
Time: 83:52
Average speed: 18.2km/hr
Max speed: 47.2 km/hr
Temperature: 10C-15C
Cumulative distance: 2871.408km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 456.499km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Friday, 23 May

Distance logged: 13.373km
Time: 43:38
Average speed: 18.4km/hr
Max speed: 44.7 km/hr
Temperature: 10C, showers
Cumulative distance: 2845.924km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 431.015km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Friday, 22 May

Distance logged: 10.974km
Time: 29:41
Average speed: 22.2km/hr
Max speed: 54.7 km/hr
Temperature: 7C, rain
Cumulative distance: 2832.551km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 417.642km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Thursday, 22 May

Went over for an HCC meeting, then swung by a friend's place after before heading home.

Distance logged: 16.043km
Time: 51:51
Average speed: 18.6km/hr
Max speed: 46.9 km/hr
Temperature: 16C
Cumulative distance: 2821.577km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 406.668km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Thursday, 22 May

No ride yesterday as I got hit again by another recurrence of this bug... I'll be glad when it's finally gone!

Distance logged: 11.173km
Time: 32:55
Average speed: 20.4km/hr
Max speed: 56.8 km/hr
Temperature: 5C, foggy
Cumulative distance: 2805.534km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 390.625km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

MEC 10% off sale for HCC members!

MEC Halifax are going to have a sale of everything in-store for one night only on Monday, 26th of May from 7pm to 9pm to support the Halifax Cycling Coalition. Everything will be 10% off for HCC members (you must also be an MEC member!), but we will be doing signups at the door. If you're looking at a canoe or tent for summer, this would be a great time to buy it!

Ride for Tuesday, 20 May

No ride yesterday as it was a holiday, worked from home today but went down to Sobey's to pick up some odds and ends.

Distance logged: 3.340km
Time: 12:28
Average speed: 16.1km/hr
Max speed: 37 km/hr
Temperature: 15C
Cumulative distance: 2794.361km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 379.452km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride for Saturday, 17 May

Down to the farmer's market for my weekly shopping, dodging around the rain showers.

Distance logged: 25.102km
Time: 84:51
Average speed: 17.8km/hr
Max speed: 48.8 km/hr
Temperature: 7C, intermittent showers
Cumulative distance: 2791.021km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 376.112km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Friday, 16 May

Too nice of a day to stay indoors so I left early and took photos of bikes, then stopped off to see a friend before heading home.

Distance logged: 18.138km
Time: 57:12
Average speed: 19km/hr
Max speed: 46.1 km/hr
Temperature: 14C-7C
Cumulative distance: 2765.919km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 351.010km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Friday, 16 May

Distance logged: 11.145km
Time: 27:00
Average speed: 24.8km/hr
Max speed: 55.6 km/hr
Temperature: 7C
Cumulative distance: 2747.781km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 332.872km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ride home for Thursday, 15 May

Today was supposed to be warm and sunny, according to the meteorologists... needless to say, it wasn't.

Distance logged: 11.737km
Time: 33:01
Average speed: 21.3km/hr
Max speed: 50.4 km/hr
Temperature: 13C, cloudy, breezy
Cumulative distance: 2736.636km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 321.727km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Thursday, 15 May

Slowly getting warmer in the mornings, but not by much...

Distance logged: 11.278km
Time: 29:12
Average speed: 23.2km/hr
Max speed: 57.7 km/hr
Temperature: 4C
Cumulative distance: 2724.899km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 309.990km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ride home for Wednesday, 14 May

The nice weather seems to have brought out the muppets in force. I was astounded waiting at a traffic light to see a cyclist in front of me trying to trackstand (on a geared bike), and slowly wobble his way into the intersection while he still had a red light. Alas, Darwin was not able to enforce his theories from beyond the grave and the muppet wobbled across the lights when they changed - in the middle of the lane, blocking traffic behind him (including me - he seemed rather surprised when I cruised past him at 30km/hr when he finally got out of the way).

Distance logged: 12.491km
Time: 35:05
Average speed: 20.9km/hr
Max speed: 52.2 km/hr
Temperature: 16C, sunny
Cumulative distance: 2713.621km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.06
Monthly distance: 298.712km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Wednesday, 14 May

Rode over to Bedford in strong headwinds to my weekly physio appointment, then in to work.

Distance logged: 30.132km
Time: 71:49
Average speed: 25.2km/hr
Max speed: 52.9 km/hr
Temperature: 3C-13C, sunny, windy
Cumulative distance: 2701.130km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 286.221km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ride for Saturday, 10 May

Down to the Farmer's Market for my weekly shop. Managed to time it just right to avoid the rain, and the headwinds on the way in were tailwinds on the way back - just as well seeing as this cold/puking disease is on its second round.

Distance logged: 26.153km
Time: 82:15
Average speed: 19.1km/hr
Max speed: 45.4 km/hr
Temperature: 6C, cloudy, windy
Cumulative distance: 2670.998km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 256.089km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Thursday, 08 May

Scheduled maintenance so I was in working on one of the servers. As it turned out the firmware fix I wanted to apply to the P570 required further patches that it didn't mention until I went to do the upgrade, so I had to postpone that so I could qualify the patches with the vendors (in the unlikely event that anyone reading this runs AIX: the vendor requested 5.3 TL4, which requires a ton of patches before I can upgrade the firmware otherwise I run the risk of physically damaging the hardware...)

Probably a good thing as otherwise I was looking down the barrel of a 30 hour shift while not feeling the greatest as I'd have had to hang around to make sure everything was working OK as this server runs, amongst other things, the emergency department... In the end I managed to get out around 3:30am so it was a nice quiet ride home followed by a day working from home, and Friday off.

Distance logged: 10.761km
Time: 32:21
Average speed: 20km/hr
Max speed: 50 km/hr
Temperature: 8C
Cumulative distance: 2644.845km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 229.936km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Wednesday, 07 May

Down to Bedford for a physio appointment, then in to work.

Distance logged: 29.491km
Time: 67:17
Average speed: 26.3km/hr
Max speed: 56.9 km/hr
Temperature: 9C-19C
Cumulative distance: 2634.084km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 219.175km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Tuesday, 06 May

Rode around for a while before the HCC director's meeting to discuss Bike Week, then dropped by to see a friend on the way home.

Distance logged: 18.833km
Time: 55:15
Average speed: 20.5km/hr
Max speed: 51.8 km/hr
Temperature: 18C-11C
Cumulative distance: 2604.593km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 189.684km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Tuesday, 06 May

Distance logged: 11.246km
Time: 29:32
Average speed: 22.8km/hr
Max speed: 51.8 km/hr
Temperature: 9C
Cumulative distance: 2585.760km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 170.851km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Monday, 05 May

Over to Dartmouth for a bike map meeting to discuss changes to the map. It's looking pretty promising, all the changes I've brought forward so far look like they're going in, including the ones suggested on here (eg, allowing bikes through the bus-only section on Main).

Distance logged: 21.110km
Time: 63:33
Average speed: 19.9km/hr
Max speed: 46.9 km/hr
Temperature: 17C-13C
Cumulative distance: 2574.514km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 159.605km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Monday, 05 May

Distance logged: 11.015km
Time: 31:44
Average speed: 20.8km/hr
Max speed: 51.4 km/hr
Temperature: 5C
Cumulative distance: 2553.404km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 138.495km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride for Saturday, 03 May

Over to Sobeys to do my shopping as I didn't feel up to going down to the market...

Distance logged: 6.057km
Time: 20:22
Average speed: 17.8km/hr
Max speed: 42.6 km/hr
Temperature: 12C
Cumulative distance: 2542.389km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 127.480km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Wednesday, 30 April

Not a great ride home as I ended up throwing up at the top of col de Fairview (yeah, there's been a reason I haven't been keeping up on here...)

Distance logged: 11.805km
Time: 39:27
Average speed: 18km/hr
Max speed: 48.5 km/hr
Temperature: 12C, sunny
Cumulative distance: 2536.332km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 121.423km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Wednesday, 30 April

Down for my weekly physio appointment then back to the office. Still feeling pretty rank... apart from when I was on my bike.

Distance logged: 32.488km
Time: 104:50
Average speed: 18.6km/hr
Max speed: 53.8 km/hr
Temperature: 5C-7C
Cumulative distance: 2524.527km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 109.618km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride for Tuesday, 29 April

Stayed home with a nasty head cold that had been building up, managed to get out to the drug store and that was it...

Distance logged: 4.850km
Time: 20:34
Average speed: 14.2km/hr
Max speed: 37.9 km/hr
Temperature: 6C
Cumulative distance: 2492.039km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 77.130km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride home for Monday, 28 April

Distance logged: 11.060km
Time: 33:10
Average speed: 20km/hr
Max speed: 52.0 km/hr
Cumulative distance: 2487.189km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 72.280km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Monday, 28 April

Distance logged: 11.301km
Time: 32:56
Average speed: 20.6km/hr
Max speed: 56.8 km/hr
Temperature: 3C
Cumulative distance: 2476.129km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 61.220km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ride for Saturday, 26 April

Down to the Farmer's Market for my weekly shopping.

Distance logged: 25.362km
Time: 86:53
Average speed: 17.5km/hr
Max speed: 44.4 km/hr
Temperature: 5C
Cumulative distance: 2464.828km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 49.919km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Critical mass ride for Friday, 25 April

Pretty good attendance considering the weather wasn't too great, did a ride around downtown Halifax and finished up at Agricola. Stopped off at a friend's on the way back then (since it was so late) took the fast route home.

Distance logged: 13.162km
Time: 69:24
Average speed: 11.4km/hr
Max speed: 34.6 km/hr
Temperature: 4C to 1C
Cumulative distance: 2439.466km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 24.557km
Monthly cost per km: $0

Ride into work for Friday, 25 April

Woke up to see snow on the ground, fortunately light enough that it didn't stick on the road.

Distance logged: 11.395km
Time: 38:02
Average speed: 17.9km/hr
Max speed: 55.2 km/hr
Temperature: 0C, light snow
Cumulative distance: 2426.304km
Cumulative cost per km: $0.07
Monthly distance: 11.395km
Monthly cost per km: $0